What is your future truth?
How can the power of ‘we’ enable us to help each other achieve our visions or goals?
What is your role in being part of a new story of creating the life your heart yearns for?
“This is the time, we are the people. We are the ones we have been waiting for”. (Jean Houston)
Have you got an idea you want to put into action? Do you want to connect to people and organisations with similar values?
Perhaps the experience of the pandemic has stimulated your creativity and desire to do something – for yourself or others . For example learning or sharing a new skill, setting up a project, or even an ethical business?
Mutual Aid is a term most of us have heard of now with the groundswell of Mutual Aid Covid Groups which stepped up during the lockdown. But what next. We hear talk of the ‘new normal’ and ‘build back better’ but what is the role of ‘we’ the people in exploring ourselves what this looks like and putting this into action together?
Perhaps you’ve had an idea or dream at the back of your mind for a long time but have never got round to making your idea a reality or didn’t know how but you are inspired to action now?
Hull & East Riding Mutual Aid Network is a framework to mobilise people, organisations, businesses into a place of even greater collaboration and sharing creating both a new vision and narrative for the local area.
How can we do more with what we’ve got? Mutual aid is about unlocking the abundant skills, spaces, equipment across our communities which are often hidden. Connecting people, space, organisations to collaborate together to help each other achieve our goals.
Are you seeing with new eyes with your experiences over this strange period in our history? Then connect, collaborate, create and celebrate together. Join us!

What if… we grow vegetables on common land and share the produce?
What if… we cultivated all the vacant allotments and pockets of common land with veg and shared the produce?
What if… we got together with our neighbours and swapped vegetables that we’ve grown?
What if… we grew more seedlings than we needed in the spring and shared the spares with our neighbours?
What if… our small green spaces were planted with fruit bushes or trees that anyone could enjoy the fruit from?
What if… we could get our composted green waste back from the council so we could revitalise our growing spaces?